Journal Publications
The Role of Emotions and Information Disorder in Political Communication
16. Kim, S. J., Villanueva, I., & Chen, K* (The authors contributed equally to this work) (2023) Going beyond affective polarization: How emotional and identity cues are used in anti-vaccination conspiracies on TikTok. Political Communication. (doi)
15. Shah, D. V.*, Sun, Z.*, Bucy, E. P., Kim, S. J., Sun, Y., Li, M., & Sethares, W. (2023) Building a multi-modal classifier of aggressive political style: Towards a computational understanding of political performance in a populist era. Communication Method & Measures. (online-first)
14. Kim, S. J.* & Chen, K.* (2022) How conspiracy and debunking videos use emotions to engage publics on YouTube. New Media & Society. 00(0). 1-22. (doi)
13. Chen, K., Kim, S. J., Gao, Q., & Raschka, S.* (2022) (The authors contributed equally to this work). Visual framing of science conspiracy videos: Integrating machine learning with communication theories to study the use of color and brightness. Computational Communication Research. (pdf)
12. Suk, J., Lukito, J., Su, M., Kim, S. J., Tong, C., Sun, Z., & Sarma, P. (2022) Do I sound American? Predicting disinformation sharing of Russian IRA tweets from a linguistic perspective. Computational Communication Research. (preprint)
11. Zhang, Y., Lukito, J., Su, M-H., Suk, J., Xia, Y., Kim, S. J., Doreshenko, L., & Wells, C. (2021). Assembling the networks and audiences of disinformation: How successful Russian IRA twitter accounts built their followings, 2015–2017. Journal of Communication, 00, 1–27. (doi)
10. Lukito, J., Suk, J., Zhang, Y., Doreshenko, L., Kim, S. J., Su, M-H., Xia, Y., & Wells, C. (2019). The wolves in sheep’s clothing: How Russia’s Internet Research Agency tweets appeared in U.S. News as vox populi. International Journal of Press/Politics, 00(0),1-21. (doi)
9. Xia, Y., Lukito, J., Zhang, Y., Wells, C., Kim, S. J., & Tong, C. (2019). Disinformation, performed: Self-presentation of a Russian IRA account on Twitter. Information, Communication and Society, 22(11), 1646–1664. (doi)
8. Zhang, Y., Shah., D., Foley., J., Abhisheck., A., Pevehouse., J., Lukito., J., Suk., J., Kim., S. J., Sun, Z., & Garlough., C. (2019). Whose lives matter? Mass shootings and social media discourses of sympathy and policy, 2012–2014. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 24(4), 182–202. (doi)
Informing Risks and Benefits with Health Communication Messages
7. Tao, R., Kim, S. J., Kang, J., Lu, L., & McLeod, D. Fighting fire or fighting war: Examining the framing effects of COVID-19 metaphors. Health Communication.
6. Lu, L., Liu, J., Kim. S. J., Tao, R., Shah, D. V., & McLeod, D. (2023). The effects of vaccine efficacy information on vaccination intentions through perceived response efficacy and hope. Journal of Health Communication. 28(2), 121-129. (doi)
5. Kim, S. J.* Minich, M.*, Tveleneva, A., Liu, J., Padon, A., Silver, L., & Yang, S. (2022) Textual and pictorial enhancement of cannabis warning labels: An online experiment among at-risk U.S. young adults. Drug & Alcohol Dependence. 109520. (doi)
4. Tveleneva, A., Kim, S. J., Minich, M., Liu, J., Padori, A., Silver, L., & Yang, S. (2022) Yet Again conversations matter: The importance of interpersonal discussions, educational campaigns, and advertising on cannabis-related risk perceptions, attitudes, and intentions in at-risk young adults. Journal of Health Communication. (doi)
Fostering Innovative Ideas in Group Communication Settings
3. Ahn, P. H., Van Swol, L. M., Lu, M., Kim, S. J., Park, H. (2023) Innovative ideas desire earlier communication: Exploring reverse serial‐order effect and liberating cognitive constraint for organizational problem‐solving. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. (doi)
2. Ahn, P. H., Van Swol, L. M., Kim, S, J., & Park, H. (2021). Enhanced motivation and decision making from going hybrid. Small Group Research, 1-37. (doi)
Theoretical Concepts in Mass Communication
1. McLeod, D., Choung, H., Su, M., Kim, S. J., Tao, R., Liu, J., & Lee, B. G. (2022). Navigating a diverse paradigm: A conceptual framework for experimental framing effects research. Review of Communication Research, 10 (pdf).
Book Chapter
Bucy, E.P., Shah, D.V., Sun, Z., Sethars, B., Borah, P., Kim, S. J., & Duan, Z. (2022) Detecting nonverbal aggression in the presidential debate: A demonstration and rationale for a CCSE data co-op. In R.X.Browning (Ed.), The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research, Vol. 8.
Under Review
Lu, L., Kim, S. J., Tao, R., Liu, J., & McLeod, D. A number is worth a thousand words: Psychological mechanisms and the effectiveness of communicating vaccine efficacy information. (Under Review).
Wang, Y., Kim, S. J., Shan, L., Shah, D. V., Wagner, M., Borah, P., Sun, Y., Jiang, X., & Lee, H. Slant, extremity, and diversity: How the shape of news use explains electoral judgments and confidence. (R & R).
Chen, K., Duan, Z., & Kim, S. J. How moral judgments are used with gendered languages in political science discourses. (R & R).
Book Chapters
Kim, S. J., Sun, Y.*, Duan, Z., Suh, Y., Fan, R., Li, M., Bucy, E., Borah, P., Lukito, J., Sun, Z., & Shah, D. Does candidate aggression motivate online incivility? Gender, partisanship, and populist performance (Abstract Accepted).
Kim, S. J., Lu, Y., & Peng, Y. Unmasking Deception: How Computer Vision Could Empower Visual Journalism in Unveiling Visual Misinformation.
Lukito, J., Yang, Y., & Kim, S. J. How QAnon developed from a fringe group to a digital surrogate for the GOP (R & R).